Saturday, December 28, 2019
Literature Review - 772 Words
The article’s title to this study gives a very broad and catching description of a subject that has been going since the early 2000’s. However, this study takes a different approach by limiting the data to Computed Tomography results. While it does state that there are variables (diverse effects), the title itself does not go into depth on these and thus does not limit the scope of the variables. Regarding the population in this study, this is addressed in the title (Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury). This allows the study to be broad and does not limit it do a set demographic group such as adults versus children or men versus women. Abstract The abstract is presented in a manner that allows for inclusion of the main areas of†¦show more content†¦The protection of the patients is addressed in this section. All patients had written informed consent from the person(s) who had the current legal authority to make medical decisions on their behalf. The population and sample of this study included those between the ages of 15 and 69 to include both sexes. The design of this study was to determine the neurological outcome of the study by using a series of analysis and blind controlled assessments. This was conducted over multiply locations within the study. The measurements and collection of data was to achieve a targeted temperature after the start of the brain injury. This timeframe was to be done within 6 hours. Hemodynamic temperatures were recorded over many hours. A total of 150 patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries received one course or the other of the treatments. This was done in a 2:1 ratio, ultimately leadi ng to 88 patients treated with hypothermia and 47 treated with fever control. A total of 9 patients had to be removed from the study do to other factors. The following factors were measured and compared between the groups: Glasgow Coma Score, Intercranial pressure, cerebral perfusion pressure, favorable outcome rate and mortality rate. Results The results from this study are done in a quantitative method. These results span over a total of six tables that are included in the text. The first table breaks down theShow MoreRelatedEssay Literature Review1001 Words  | 5 PagesLiterature Review The purpose of this research project is for you to create a scholarly piece of graduate-level research and writing, which conforms to APA format. Competency in the APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the administration. You will research and write a literature review on a topic relevant to our course. What is a Literature Review? â€Å"A literature review discusses published informationRead MoreNarrative Literature Reviews1589 Words  | 7 PagesNarrative literature reviews Introduction n A literature review is a comprehensive study and interpretation of the work that has been published on a particular topic n A literature review should convey the knowledge and ideas that have been established on a topic and their strengths and limitations Why undertake a literature review? n To provide a review of the current knowledge in a particular field n Provide a description of research studies n Identify gaps in current knowledge n Identify emergingRead MoreImportance And Characteristics Of Literature Reviews1615 Words  | 7 PagesImportance and Characteristics of Literature Reviews A literature review examines existing research that is important to the work that you want to do. Literature reviews provide important background information and details about a specific research topic. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Good Book Of Human Nature - 971 Words
When it comes to the Bible, negotiating the span between religious reverence and secular scorn can be a daunting task of intellectual funambulism. Too often, the faithful view the Bible solely as a divine message from God, immune to critical analysis. Likewise, the non-religious often dismiss the Bible as an irrelevantâ€â€or even dangerousâ€â€collection of outdated and ignorant writings. In their new book, The Good Book of Human Nature, (Basic Books, $29.99), evolutionary anthropologist Carel van Schaik and historian Kai Michel capably bridge this gap, boldly defending the thesis that the Bible is the most important book in the history of humanity. Though both agnostic, they believe that the Bible offers an invaluable key to a better understanding of ourselves. Through the lenses of cognitive science, evolutionary biology, archeology, and religious history, they explore what the Bible reveals about human nature and the cultural evolution of our species: In the Bible we find answers to humanity’s greatest questions. We do not mean this in a religious sense. Rather it teaches us why we fear death, how we deal with great misfortunes, and where our deep-seated desire for justice originated. The Bible shows us how we learned to survive in large, anonymous societies, why our modern lives sometimes seem so pointless, and why we are so often nagged by what we should describe as a longing for Paradise. When viewed without its halo, the Bible has something important to say to all ofShow MoreRelatedA Common Goal Of Humanity1265 Words  | 6 Pagesfind the answer to many philosophical questions involving the reasons humans are here and who or what else might be in the universe with us. In The Essential Mengzi, Mengzi attempts to decipher why humans are here and what basic human nature is – whether or not humans are good and how to expand upon any existing positive attributes. In another text, The Book of Job, Job’s life is manipulated by G-d as a test of his loyalty. The nature of the divine is very clearly shown in this story. Put together, theseRead MoreHumans Nature - Good or Bad? Essay1132 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Nature Good or Bad? Whether human beings are instinctually good or evil in an elementary natural state is a question that has been boggling the minds of even the greatest philosophers. There is a spectrum of theories that support both good and evil within the human race, each with valid points that explains the range of our interests, being either for ourselves or for others. However, my personal stance is the sensible theory of Altruism. Past experiences and observations allow me toRead MoreGood And Evil In Lord Of The Flies Analysis1207 Words  | 5 Pagesfrom within and that the struggle to maintain civilization depends on the ethical nature of each individual.†- â€Å"Background†Throughout the Lord of the Flies, readers learn that people, including children, are not made of pure goodness. Deep inside there is an evil element consistently trying to rise to the surface of their minds. Golding proves that eventually the evil within the children will destroy them and the good around t hem. This is also proven in two other pieces of literature; one piece talkingRead MoreThe Mencius-Xunzi Debate in Early Confucian Ethnics Essay1082 Words  | 5 Pagesto achieve this goal. Yet, instead of supporting each other, Mengzi and Xunzi have made contradictory arguments on human nature and cultivation of moral elites . Previous researchers have found that Mengzi, as the second most influential Confucian philosopher , maintains that human nature is good , whereas Xunzi, who shaped the Confucianism that followed him , claims that human nature is bad . This sharp contrast may result from the fact that both Mengzi and Xunzi live in the Warring States periodRead MoreExistentialism And Human Emotions By Jean Paul Sartre1513 Words  | 7 PagesJean-Paul Sartre s novel Existentialism and Human Emotions discusses his philosophy that man is responsible for what he is and what he does; that man chooses his values and makes himself. At the beginning of the book, Sartre defends existentialism against several charges that had been laid against it. Throughout the book, Sartre refers to the basis of existentialism using the phrase ‘existence precedes essence . With this, phrase lies the basis for the argument that Existentialism is a HumanismRead MoreCreativity Is An Innate And Universal Human Attribute 972 Words  | 4 PagesTo begin to understand creativity we need a starting point, and a logical starting point would be a definition: what is creativity? But in our field of study there is no single, agreed-upon definition of creativity. There are good definitions and popular definitions but none that is universally accepted. People come to the study of creativity from many other fields, and there are as many definitions of creativity as there are points of view. Seeing from multiple points of view is a creative thinkingRead MoreAristotle s Doctrine Of The Mean Real Quick1571 Words  | 7 Pagesvirtuous person is capable of choosing the mean consistently. Although the first example of means given above is arithmetic in nature, Aristotle’s doctrine applies to a much wider set. Ethical virtue, Aristotle asserts, is a habit, disposed toward action by deliberate choice, being at the mean relative to us, and defined by reason as a prudent man would define it (NE, Book 2, Chapter 7, Line 1107a). Being virtuous and acting virtuously differ markedly. One must not only act virtuously, but alsoRead MoreBook Eight And Nine Of Nicomachean Ethics1698 Words  | 7 PagesIn Book eight and nine of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle discusses the variations of friendships that are present in human nature. He further goes into detail on the terms and grounds on forming these friendships. I will be analyzing the different types of friendship discussed in Aristotle’s Ethics and answer the difficulties and obstacles present in trying to achieve the perfect friendship, the friendship based on goodness. The beginning of Book eight of the Nicomachean Ethics states that friendshipRead MoreEssay on Summary of Education Book by Ellen G White1479 Words  | 6 Pagesrepresentation of what God desired the whole earth to become, and it was His purpose that, as the human family increased in numbers, they should establish other homes and schools like the one He had given. The book also talked about how the human’s first parents fell into sin by their power of choice – the power to yield or to withhold obedience. There was a tree of knowledge of good and evil. While God was seeking man’s good, satan was seeking his ruin. When Eve, disregarding the Lord admonition concerning theRead More Gullivers Travels Essay1312 Words  | 6 Pagesin modern history. The purpose of the book, although some of his contemporaries didnamp;#8217;t realize it, is to ridicule his government, his rulers, and human nature as a whole. His generalization of the human condition doesnamp;#8217;t manifest itself completely until Part IV of the book, where the main character, Lemuel Gulliver, finds himself on an island inhabited by two main species amp;#8211; the Houyhnhnms, horse-like animals, and the Yahoos, human-like animals. The difference between
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Law Enforcement Operations and Writing free essay sample
Colorado Technical university Phase 3 Individual Project Instructor: Scott Fowler CUSCUSS-12038-03: Law Enforcement Operations and Report Writing Nope Monday, September 10, 2012 There are many different ways that the media can affect the way crime is looked at. Many of the media companies will talk about increases In crime, but will only target the few specific crimes that have slightly Increased but will not touch base on all the crime statistics that show decreases In other areas. The media has a very moth way of focusing on violent crimes above all others. Homicides and violent crimes receive a much higher amount of attention than any other crimes. If there was a bunch of minor traffic violations and a few tickets given out for minor things and one assault charge the only thing that would be brought up in the media is the assault charge. The media also presents homicides and other violent crimes in a teaser type fashion (Jensen). We will write a custom essay sample on Law Enforcement Operations and Writing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They make the situation look more appealing than it really is. They Tillie non-specifics and add far more attention to the scene than what is needed.All of this negative attention on what or two crimes give the impression that those specific crimes or crime In general is happening more frequently than it really Is creating the Illusion of a crime wave (Jensen). The Medals primary focus Is to sell their Information and If they can skew Information or focus more on a few particular things to gain more sells they One of the most important aspects of a Law Enforcement Agency is the publics IEEE on the agency and the agencies reputation for integrity and honor. The main thing a Law Enforcement agency should try to push when addressing the public is accuracy and honesty. The Law Enforcement Agency should also focus on not releasing information to early as to hinder the investigation or the Law Enforcement officers that are working the case. It is always important to try and make sure the information given is accurate the first time around so that you do not have to make embarrassing corrections later on, however, if you have to make a correction you would make It immediately and accurately Onset).If the media had It their way they would make the United States think that stepping out their door and doing anything other than watching the medias coverage would be the most dangerous thing to do, ever! Remember, the reporters and the medias main goal is to sell their story, if that means they have to focus ninety violent crimes only make up five percent of what is happening, that is all you will hear about. The media will utilize any form of mani pulation they can to skew a story to sake it seem more worth of the coverage it is receiving then what it is really deserving of.This is not to say that the crime does not deserve publicity or coverage, but they blow violent crimes out of proportion. The statistics that the media gives and the amount of coverage they give to the small percent of violent crime gives fuel to the myths of crime waves and crime sprees. Law Enforcement Agencies should do their part to give correct, accurate and timely information to the public in a way that the media cannot skew it as easily.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A Place Worth Fighting For Essay Example For Students
A Place Worth Fighting For Essay A Place Worth Fighting ForColin Chisholm’s emotive plea for restraint in the development of the Squaw Valley ski area is particularly poignant and compelling. The power of the piece is found in his dramatic and impassioned scene setting. He cleverly intertwines the imagery of the valley with endearing anecdotes of the time he and his family spent there establishing a subconscious link between the two main focuses of the piece. By the time Chisholm begins to develop the conflict in the story, the relationship between the valley and his family has been established. He wants the reader to associate the fate of the forest with that of his mother and father. On page 79, Chisholm writes, â€Å"†¦during the time we were losing the meadow, we found out that my mother had cancer.†Chisholm doesn’t even expand his explanation of the disease that has invaded his mother’s body. He doesn’t have to. He has already described his mother as a beautiful woman of Eskimo descent and Chisholm’s writing powerfully understates the tragedy. The devastation of the Squaw Valley region paralleled a time of great sadness in Colin Chisholm’s life and gives him a unique, and compelling activist voice. His advocacy comes across not as radical environmentalism but more appropriately, as a man trying to preserve the fond memories of his family. His clever scene setting gives life and personality to the Squaw Valley region. This personification-of-sorts allows people who can not relate to Chisholm’s love for the outdoors, to associate with the emotions he felt for his mother’s falls and his father’s meadow. He is hoping that, at the very least, these individuals might understand where he and others are coming from in their pursuit to save Squaw.English Essays
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