Monday, February 24, 2020
Law of Obligations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Law of Obligations - Essay Example In this regard, an offer is terminated if it is not accepted within a reasonable time.4 An offer can be withdrawn at any time prior to its acceptance, although withdrawal must be communicated to the offeree.5 However, if the subject matter of the offer is sold prior to its acceptance, the acceptance is not valid because an offer cannot be accepted for the purchase of property that has already passed from the offerer to another.6However, Contemporary Caravan did not sell the motor home, although it claimed to have sold the property prior to receiving the acceptance from Ideal Homes. Nevertheless, an offer and acceptance will not form a legally binding contract unless there is consideration.7 Since there was no consideration, there is no binding contract and Ideal Homes cannot force Contemporary Caravan to sell the motor home to them. Nathan Nobel The communication between Nathan Nobel and Contemporary Caravans indicates a request for information and a response to that request. There w as no definitive offer and acceptance communicated between the parties. Nobel simply asked for the lowest cash price applicable to the luxury motor home and Contemporary Caravans responded. Nothing more was said, and thus Contemporary Caravans had no reason to assume that the stated lowest cash price was accepted by Nathan Nobel. There must be some indication that there was an intention to form legal relations. A mere inquiry as to price will not be sufficient to substantiate that there was an intention to create legal relations on the part of Nobel.8 Moreover, assuming that Contemporary Caravans made an offer in its response to Nobel’s inquiry, Nobel failed to indicate one way or another that he accepted or rejected the... This essay discusses that In light of the fact that the new arrangements were ongoing for 8 months, Right On had a legitimate expectation that these arrangements would continue for the full 12 months. Since Right On had a legitimate expectation that the new arrangements would continue for a year and acted accordingly, it would be unfair for Contemporary Caravans to withdraw their promise. Since the arrangements were ongoing for 8 months, Right On had a reasonable expectation that the new arrangements were genuine or honest and nature and would continue as promised by Contemporary Caravans.Since there was a consideration in the sense that the new arrangements provide for a new method of discharging the loans, Right On can bring an action against Contemporary Caravans for breach of contract or anticipatory breach. In the latter case, Right On may if it likes, apply to the courts for injunctive relief prohibiting Contemporary Caravans reneging on the new arrangements.Whether or not ther e was a consideration, is immaterial because the doctrine of promissory estoppel can be invoked to prevent Contemporary Caravans altering the terms of the new arrangements unilaterally. It is therefore suggested that Contemporary Caravans continue to keep its promise and to allow Right On to continue to make the reduced payments until the 12 month period expires. Since no reasons are given for the desire to back out of the promise and the new arrangements it is likely that a court would find that Contemporary Caravans were not acting in good faith.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
How to Write an Essay With These Tips
How to Write an Essay With These TipsOne strategy for writing an essay is to have a good sense of humor. When you write an essay, your first job is to present a topic and get your point across in the best way possible. As a writer, you are always looking for ideas that will help you make the best argument for your point of view.Finding humor is easy. The harder part of the job is to keep the humor coming. If you try too hard to bring your reader to laughter, you may be successful, but you will not enjoy the process of writing your essay.Keeping a sense of humor and coming up with an interesting topic for an essay is one strategy for writing an essay. Many students are fascinated by learning about history and how things happened in the past. They enjoy learning about how the world was like in the past. They enjoy learning about historical figures and events that shaped the world and the people living in it.The same thing applies to writing an essay. Find interesting topics to talk abo ut and have fun with your topic. You can also find some ideas that you can use for your paper, just make sure that you do not over use the ideas and instead of making the essay overly complicated, go with the easy to understand topics.You can take a class in history or read about historical figures or even read books on the subject. After you get familiar with the topics you want to write about, you can search the internet to find an essay prompt or article and look for topics that fit your topic and that you can write about. Try to incorporate the same information into your essay as you did in your original work.The next strategy for writing an essay that may interest you is to find a group of friends who may also be interested in what you are writing. You can discuss some of the topics and see how they feel and what problems you face when trying to write an essay.Talk to them and see how you may be able to help them out. If you are successful at teaching the group member's some in formation that you learned while writing your essay, you will be a better writer than you are right now. Write an essay with some of these tips in mind.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Shangrila Hotel Singapore Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Shangrila Hotel Singapore - Assignment Example  Luxurious hotels were only visited by designated group of people in a given class. Shangrila Hotel has evolved into the most viable and profitable hotel in Singapore due to the presence of major changes in the hotel management. Shangrila Hotel has provided services available to people in all classes irrespective of income levels. In 2009, Shangrila Hotel acquired several hotels in Malasyia a step that made the organization increase the number of customers. In addition, the hotel management owned 80% of the hotel in Puteri Harbour, Johor a strategy that allowed Shangrila Hotel to increase its share stakes by 20% (Yeap 2013). Secondly, Shangrila Hotel had a significant change with her managerial roles. According to Tracy (2008), the hotel industry is undergoing rapid change in management through hiring technologically advanced and socially responsible managers. In an effort to cope with the global competition, Shangrila Hotel hired new managers who were proficient and competent in the hotel industry. In addition, the organization hired managers in charge of finance, marketing, and human resources in order to ensure accountability of all employees and company revenues. Customers are the source of profit for an industry, which means their environment should be well viewed at carefully to avoid certain incidences, which might be of risk to them. In the present environment, hotel customers seek humble and human places where people have respect for visitors irrespective of backgrounds. (Kotler and Armstrong 2011). The hotel has practiced a strong corporate culture and personnel that ensured visitors from all corners of the earth receive quality treatment irrespective of culture, race, or denomination. Holding a strong corporate cultural responsibility has increased Shangrila Hotel competence through contributing to the high achievement. Shangrila Hotel is ranked among the top hotels in Hong Kong for quality hospitality. Moroever, the hotel has undetaken employees training programs to educate them about corporate culture and how to maintain loyalty towards customers. Relevant changes and trends in the macroenvironment (PESTEL Analysis) Organizations undergo significant changes and trends in the macroenvironment that assist in wining the competitive advantage. The following changes have taken place in Shangrila Hotel macroenvironment. Political The hotel has changed from the older strategies and adapted the newly acceptable methods in line with Singapore constitution. In addition, Shangrila Hotel has many tributary hotels aroung the globe and the management ensures every hotel operates accoring to the country’s political requirements. Economical Shangrila Hotel has changed its economic climate has changed into a more economic methods of operations. The company has a group of economic experts who provide the necessary information on the expected risks in the economic world. The hotle managment has resulted into a new
Friday, February 7, 2020
Financial Economics Research Paper Topics
Financial Economics Research Paper TopicsEconomic analysis and its related disciplines, are among the most popular academic fields in the world today. And, most of the well-respected economists and researchers have made a big mark in this world. In the present scenario, it is impossible to imagine the future without economic studies. No one will be able to envisage the tremendous change that will take place in the world if the people would not conduct their own studies and researches on the subject of economics.They are really interested in this subject and many of them want to contribute in this field in order to improve their knowledge and skills. The best thing about these papers is that they are very interesting and you can easily become familiar with them. So, you do not have to bother about finding these papers since you have already got access to a great number of them.It is interesting to note that the people who are experts in economic and financial history also perform thei r own research. This is a good idea for you if you want to know more about the economic history of your country or of other countries.You can also learn from the past and you can compare it with the prediction of the future growth and development of the country. So, you should always keep yourself updated and know about the trends in the economy of your country.In addition to that, you can also consider writing an essay on economic issues that concern you personally as well as your school and university work. You can discuss some of the important facts and figures that you observe everyday and will definitely have a lot of things to say about the economic world in general.Another thing you can do is to write your own article that will include your own thoughts and opinions. At times, these essays can also serve as a writing assignment for your school or university.If you find it hard to get hold of some of the important economical data, you can always consult with the professional f inancial analysts in the market. If you are not successful in getting some of the important data, then you can always contact some of the economic news agencies and find out some of the other important data regarding the economic scenario.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
What to Do About Cyberbullying Essay Topics Before It Is Too Late
What to Do About Cyberbullying Essay Topics Before It Is Too Late Cyberbullying Essay Topics Secrets Some folks must be somewhat social, and will need to be around other folks. The best method to address and stop the matter of cyberbullying is to take the suitable measures when children continue to be in school. Social media ought to be an entertaining thing for all people to be in a position to play games, and connect with distant family and friends. The overuse of social networking in the current youth has brought about a whole lot of rather serious complications kids should not need to endure, and that's inexcusable. Cyberbullying Essay Topics Secrets That No One Else Knows About As schools realize the results of cyber bullying, they've stepped up and are prepared to fight. Although lots of people claim there is nothing real on the web, the incidents of depression and suicides due to cyber bullying are rising. It's also harder to reduce bullying and punish abusers because they frequently stay anonymous. Now, bullying schemes have extended to the on-line atmosphere. The effect of bullying could result in a damaged personality. Finally, it's important to be aware that cyber bullying has quite a durable effect on the targeted victims. What You Need to Do About Cyberbullying Essay Topics Before It's Too Late Reading example essays works the exact same way! This sort of essay needs extra attention of the graduates to figure out the assorted facets of the essays. At length, the essay should be concluded by means of a conclusion which explains you've reached at your point what you said in the thesis. If you enjoyed this cyber bullying essay, you can get in touch with our writing service for expert aid and we are going to help you with any paper. The Cyberbullying Essay Topics Cover Up The accessibility onto websites like twitter, facebook, and instagram shouldn't be so effortless. The we b has a pivotal effect on society today. It has played a major role in connecting the entire world and individuals from across the continents. It is the place where cyberbullying is most common. What is Really Going on with Cyberbullying Essay Topics Another suicide happened in Massachusetts. Prospective issues like cyber bullying, sexting and inappropriate behavior can happen without the ideal monitoring by parents and the absence of regulation related to today's youth and young individuals. It should be protected by the first amendment because it violates defamation in certain cases and leads a person into taking their own life. Prolonged bullying will cause severe withdrawal from their family members and friends. Some people think that social media addiction is a myth, while some argue that it's an actual thing. Despite how the world wide web allows anonymity for anybody, the society still attempts to obtain the methods to stop it from occurring. Other individuals don' t require that constant awareness of company. They need to know that there is a way to get help and that they are not alone. Addiction to social media may also lead to isolation from reality, absence of physical activity, and sometimes even restlessness. A few other effects may be the concept of low self-esteem, together with self-worth. The issue of cyberbullying is extremely hard to handle. A problem that results in depression and anxiety can't be left unnoticed. Students rarely report being abused on the web, mostly since they realize that their parents and teachers wouldn't help them. Schools should have counselors to help the students and let them overcome any difficult circumstance. They need to take Title IX more seriously and use it to help the families that are facing issues with cyber bullying. They have hotlines that students can call anonymously if they want to report bullying. Communication is an indispensable step in getting to understand about their circu mstance. Social media has led to the mental health of young individuals to deteriorate. Academic papers consist of distinct varieties of information, organized in individual sections. Share Cyberbullying essay on social networking. Moreover, the bullied kid will be impacted in terms and conditions of their personality. Lastly, don't let a bully enter your mind and influence your self-esteem. On the 1 hand, a cyber bully is not any different than a conventional bully. He is a person who torments other people's lives using digital technologies. The reason for the thinking of people that there is not anything wrong with bullying. Since bullying through net and cellular phones can't truly be stopped then the next best approach to address it, is to make children immune to it. The casualty of cyber bullying can frequently be ridiculed on forums and societal media by a group of individuals. A few of the instances of cyber bullying are as a consequence of kids who've been bullied before and thus wish to do the exact same to others. It's also rather hard to figure out the specific number of instances of cyber bullying considering that a number of them are not reported to parents or even authorities in the schools. In the event the bullying was cyber-bullying, your son or daughter needs to be made to remove the pages which were put up, and make restitution to the individual they harmed. Laws could possibly be imperfect and enforcement might be tough and spotty, but that's far better than nothing. Even though the law was fram ed by the government to confirm the corruption against then cyberbullying still there are a lot of things to do.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
The One Thing to Do for Research Paper Topics for College Students Rape
The One Thing to Do for Research Paper Topics for College Students Rape The second thing that you ought to take care of once you choose the title is to maintain in mind five forms of argument claims. Ultimately, you should also have the ability to go over each side of the argument to provide a rounded essay. You wish to translate that feeling in your paper. When you own a list before your eyes, it is going to be much easier to compose your mind and begin considering a specific matter. Look at the world today, search on the internet and appear at news articles too there's inspiration everywhere. Concentrate on the message you would like your readers to get and stay in mind. The reader needs to be impressed by how you defend your ideas. You need to reveal the readers that you master of the subject and not a confused newbie who doesn't understand what he or she's referring to. Introducing Research Paper Topics for College Students Rape Finding research paper topics on the web is comparatively straightforward and your search should yield a range of ideas. Contemporary college rape prevention programs could possibly be insufficient since they are concentrated on the victims and not the offenders. Moreover, certain kinds of sexual crimes imply in the very first place that such attacks directed at the ordinary means of the sexual relationship established in a specific society, along with its moral climate. In some instances, students simply devise the study and af ter that imagine the potential results that may occur. The principal reason behind it's the simple fact people who have somehow faced with rape do not tend to shout about doing it. If you can select the matter all on your own, it's possible to develop the issue of interest! Therefore, there's a particular puzzle around rape. 1 way we've tried to handle this challenge is by way of rape prevention. Who Else Wants to Learn About Research Paper Topics for College Students Rape? To get us started on your purchase, we'll ask that you use our purchase form to submit the thorough instructions of the paper you need assistance with. The research procedure takes a string of steps as listed below. It will produce the procedure for piling up information simpler and well-structured. Talk about your research paper with head of the department at a better mastery of the subject. Locating a solid topic is just one of the most significant steps when writing any form of paper. The most important difficulty is that topic is the most essential element of the entire research paper. After the topic is chosen, it would be useful to make an outline so you could see whether you have sufficient information for good-structured research paper. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. Arguments always happen in a specific context. Deciding on your topic isn't that easy. Perform extensive research on the subject of your choice and make an impressive persuasive speech that individuals will remember for long. Locating a topic for your study can be hard, but there are a lot of great techniques to develop intriguing ideas. From very early ages, women and men are conditioned to accept distinctive roles. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. You have to be certain to understand everything clearly once you select an essay topic. Choosing topics for argumentative essays is critical for your general success. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. The faculty needs to be convinced that the topic you have decided on is pertinent to the class. Generations How four distinct generations at work can get the job done together. If you're confused with a selection of interesting topics to research on the web, it's far better to choose what interests you the most. Technology is ever-present in our day-to-day lives. Do not be scared to conduct a comprehensive research. Students are accustomed to the simple fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. Often, they find it difficult to choose the right topic for their research. As a consequence, the students would have more liberty to pick a sub-topic. Many students think that it is a waste of time.
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