Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Heres What I Know About Earth Day Essay Topics
Here's What I Know About Earth Day Essay Topics Introducing Earth Day Essay Topics There are lots of reasons to become involved in activities. Some businesses require that you collect all the money, but others do that for you. Writing teaching resources is essential for sharing the practice. Strategies for smaller businesses There are many ways in which businesses can become more eco-friendly. There are a number of strategies to reuse all sorts of items which you may not think twice about throwing in the garbage. Recycling is a superb way for children to become involved in taking good care of Earth. Plenty of kids become excited about recycling. Things You Should Know About Earth Day Essay Topics Solid green china in various shades may add a great deal of texture to a table setting. It's well-known that old and girls club the 3 great ways for sharing the value of recycling 3r waste solutions. Earth Day coloring pages are another of the various activities which encourage the progression of the art skills of somebody through the use of colors into various figures or illustrations. There is a plethora of totally free information from the internet regarding how to be more environmentally sustainable. What You Must Know About Earth Day Essay Topics Earth day is quite an obnoxious moment. It is our home and we all need to protect it. Earth Day is a rather important holiday! There are definitely countless explanations for why people ought to be celebrating Earth Day. Key to the true purpose of that which we recycle! The students will have the ability to suspend their Planet Earth in their bedroom and it'll be a concrete reminder in their opinion. The prospect of winning a $1,000 scholarship is a very good reason behind busy seniors to select the opportunity to compose a sincere and thoughtful essay. Seniors don't have to be planning an environmental emphasis in their future studies or career to be able to be qualified for the contest and scholarships. Following are different kinds of essay topics for students that are categorized in many sections so you can easily chose the topic according to your need and requirement. Therefore, many students and employees decide to obtain low-cost essay rather than writing it themselves. Things You Won't Like About Earth Day Essay Topics and Things You Will You may get in touch with your nearby grocery store for large paper grocery bags that students may decorate. Volunteers are welcome to assist with al l types of work associated with this celebration. Folks can basically quit cutting trees, or else they can begin planting trees. Use reusable plastic bags Single use bags particularly, plastic, are extremely bad for the surroundings. Soil erosion, Infertility, very low water levels are rising day by day. Inform people about our environment and explain the reason it's important to deal with it. Every invention drains the environment and our lifestyles now are too fantastic to ever quit. Learn more regarding the environment. It ought to be the duty of every human being to deal with its environment. Once you're ready to have things off the ground, your very best asset is going to be your own self-discipline. Show them that a person can earn a difference for the surroundings and your group is doing everything possible to help that movement. All around the world, environmentally conscious folks, even organizations independently, are taking actions towards becoming more eco-friendly. Discuss with friends in regard to what steps you may take to lessen your carbon footprint. It's important that all of us make a bid to decrease our water usage. If you don't trust the tap water, utilizing a filter is still far better than buying bottled water. Reduce means you need to attempt to cut back the total amount of waste that you throw out. What Everybody Dislikes About Earth Day Essay Topics and Why We need to keep the organic quality of our mother earth as a way to continue the nutritious life here. Because of the special structure of the planet Earth, distance from sunlight and other bodily causes, life was found here. Earth is really the most known planet within this universe, where life is possible, because it has all of the things required for life. Earth day is about promoting awareness of the planet's environment and the way to best preserve it for future generations. It's celebrated annually to encourage the folks of the earth whilst maintaining the all-natural environment of the planet. Your earth essay could speak about how we endanger our planet and the large range of life on it through mismanagement of the assorted organic resources. An essay on earth could revolve around the development of the planet earth. Save yourself earth slogan motivates people to conserve earth and its natural resources to provide our future generations a secure and wholesome atmosphere. Earth Day Essay Topics for Dummies There are a lot of great green reads to select from. It's pretty straightforward stuff. The iceberg is directly ahead but the time required to steer it to some other training course is simply not there.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Modern Challenges facing Human Resource Management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 14 Words: 4284 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? The twenty-first century has ushered in many alternative ways in which to do business. Specially, Human Resource Management has been challenged to keep up with todays fast tools of technology. Firms are facing exceptional challenges but very few ideal solutions. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Modern Challenges facing Human Resource Management" essay for you Create order These challenges have been identified as being talent shortages, globalization, competition and technological improvement. (Johnson, 2000; Kronos, 2003; Simphal, 2004) Confronted with the effects of globalization, the Mauritian government took the commitment to turn Mauritius into a cyber island with ICT as the fifth pillar of the economy. Thus businesses face increasing pressure to recruit and retain a knowledgeable workforce willing to adapt to the ever changing nature of businesses. Thus with the explosive growth of the Internet over the last several years and a strong economy with record low unemployment rates and increasing skills shortages in many areas has led to increased competition to recruit the best people. The recruitment process itself has also undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years with the utilisation of the internet. The use of the internet as a means of connecting the job seeker and the employer, and as a medium for conducting certain elements of the recruitment process is described as online recruitment. The fantastic growth of online recruitment market puts the stress on the phenomenon that electronic marketplaces can put forward a reach and efficiency that physical markets cannot compete. And as the Internet penetration is growing, firms are taking great interest in recruitment via the web. As a result, e-recruitment has now become a core strategy of organizations in their recruiting process. Thus the challenge of Human Resources is to emphasise on adding value to the staffing process with intelligent screening, filtering, sorting and hiring software that can fairly without any discrimination, locate and sort the potential candidates electronically. 1.1 Rationale of the Study The topic of online recruitment was chosen after a meticulous study of the various subjects and the upcoming global trends in the business background. As the world becomes smaller and that competition can be seen everywhere, business processes need to become more efficient. One of these business processes is the recruitment process. 1.2 Objectives of the Study To identify the use of intranet and internet for the purpose of recruitment To investigate the success and failure factors for e-recruitment To analyse the attitude of stakeholders involved in the implementation 1.3 Methodology For the current study both primary and secondary research were used. Primary research consisted of collecting data from Mauritian Human Resource Practitioners with the help of an online questionnaire. Moreover a face to face interview was conducted with the general manager of two recruitment sites. 1.4 Structure of the research The structure of the research is as follows: Chapter 1: Introduction It provides a brief overview of e-recruitment, the objectives of the study and the research methodology. Chapter 2: Literature Review This provides an overview of the extensive literature on e-recruitment, examining the attitudes of the different stakeholders upon the implementation, the key success and failure factors. Chapter 3: Research Methodology This presents a research methodology use: an overview of the design of the online survey and the interview, the pretest procedures were also mentioned. Chapter 4: Data Analysis and findings This provides a description of the e-recruitment process in Mauritius. Chapter 5: Recommendations This presents a description on corrective measures to be taken in order to improve the practice of e-recruitment. CHAPTER 2- LITERATURE REVIEW Definition Of Recruitment And Selection Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried out by the organisation with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees (Breaugh and Starke, 2000) and performs the essential function of drawing an important resource human capital into the organisation (Barber, 1998). Selection is the process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual in order to extend an offer of employment. Such employment could either be a first position for a new employee or a different position for a current employee. The selection process is performed under legal and environmental constraints and addresses the future interest of the organisation and of the individual (Gatewood Field, 2001) Anderson (1994) stated that recruitment and selection are integrated activities and where recruitment stops and selection begins is a moot point. Evolution Of The Use Of Technology And Internet In The Recruitment Process The internet first emerged as a recruiting tool in the mid-1990s and was hailed by the popular media as the driver behind a recruiting revolution due to the benefits it could bring to recruiters (Boydell, 2002). According to Galanaki (2002), online recruitment was first referenced in the mid 1980s, while systematic reference to the online recruitment in HR journal begins almost a decade later, in the mid-1990s, (Galanaki 2002, cites the work of Gentner 1984; Casper 1985). It was predicted that the recruitment industrys future is on the net (Edgeley, 1995) and that the internet had brought radical change to corporate recruiting (Cappelli, 2001). Crispin and Mehler (1997) suggest that the Internet had brought a lot of novelty and ambiguity into the hiring process. They argue that HR managers are yet to figure out how to adjust hiring strategies to online applicant tracking systems, interactive voice recognition services, PC-to-PC interview software, web-based testing tool, search engines, intrusive advertising techniques, and numerous job and resume databases. Traditional Recruitment According to Farhnam and Stevens (2000), the traditional approach to recruitment is for line managers, having obtained approval for new posts, to provide job descriptions and person specifications for fine tuning by their personnel department. Managers also draft job advertisement, with the assistance of the personnel department for placement in newspapers and/or professional journals. The personnel department sends information and application packs to potential candidates, collates submitted application forms, forwards applications to line managers for short listing, arranges job interviews and notifies candidates From the study of Arboledas, Ferrero and Vidal (2001), they present some examples of recruitment methods that organizations are using: newspaper advertisement, faxed/mailed resumes, recruitment agency or headhunter. E-Recruitment According to Schreyer McCarter (1998) e-recruitment refers to the recruitment process, including placing job advertisements, receiving resumes, and building human resource database with candidates and incumbents. From the relevant literature, the words e-recruitment, online recruiting, electronic recruiting, virtual recruitment, virtual recruiting, cyber recruitment, cyber recruiting are synonymous (Simphal 2004). They imply the formal sourcing of job information online (Ganalaki, 2002). The traditional method of recruitment has been revolutionized by the emergence of the Internet. In the past few years, the Internet has dramatically changed the face of HR recruitment and the ways organizations think about the recruiting function. Cullen (2001) also supports that e-recruitment is not treated as a stand-alone human resource tool but is integrated into an overall recruiting and selection strategy that includes, among other things, sophisticated behavioral and skills assessm ent, interviewing, and additional means of identifying needs and sourcing candidates. 2.4.1 Benefits of e-recruitment Millman (1998) cited in Rozelle Landis (2002) suggested that online recruitment offers an efficient way to identify and classify a virtually unlimited number of job seekers. Elswick (2000) cited in Bussler Davis (2002) that a good e-recruitment system could bring lower cost by 90%. E-recruitment can increase the image of organisation, especially when building a corporate recruitment site; it is considered to attribute to the company an image of innovation and flexibility (Fister, 1999). E-recruitment is considered as a very good tool to reach the global target (Ganalaki, 2002). It appears that other than language barriers, which can be overcome, the Internet has no boundaries. Recruitment And Selection Process Using Internet And Information Technology The recruitment process can be identified as a support process: a process which is not directly aimed at establishing the primary organisation (Veger 2006). Armstrong (2001) has broken down the recruitment process into three stages as being: Defining requirements Attracting candidates Selecting candidates Veger (2006) adds one more stage to this process namely welcoming new employees into the organisation i.e. the induction of new employees. 2.5.1 Defining requirements Armstrong (2001) stated that requirements for particular positions are set out in the forms of role profiles and person specifications that provide the basic information required to draft advertisement, brief agencies or recruitment consultants, and assess candidates. By defining requirements, essential information such as the number, type, and quality, nature of vacancy to be filled and other information can be acquired to come up with an appropriate job requirement that will match with candidates profile. A computerized job analysis can reduce the time and effort involved in writing job descriptions which in turn can be used to design a person specification. (Malthis and Jackson 2002). However one of the drawbacks to create and maintain such sophisticated system is the lack and support from top management for the transition and maintenance costs associated with a fully integrated system (Wether and Keith 1996) 2.5.2 Attracting Candidates Malthis and Jackson (2002) stated that the aim of attracting candidates is to come up with a pool of candidates who meet job requirements. Bartram (2000) presents a snapshot of Internet development as a recruitment and selection medium. He examines the role of the Internet within a traditional recruitment cycle. At the so-called attraction stage, he writes, the Internet helps to draw people into a large pool by providing a virtual stage for a job posting. Candidates can be attracted in two ways: Internal recruitment External recruitment Internal recruitment Recruitment can be done internally (within the organisation) as well as externally (Veger 2006).In large organizations, most vacancies are advertised internally before the are externally advertised as it is the cheapest way of attracting a wide pool of candidates. Internal candidates can be sourced using two main ways: Skill inventory database An employee skills inventory database maintains profiles of employees, their skills and abilities, for use in matching to internal opportunities. It may also be used for skills gap analysis and training. With a skills inventory database based on a robust technology platform, organizations can benefit from being able to mine a transparent internal labor pool and profit from a clear understanding of the human capital it controls. Corporate Intranet Corporate intranet enable employees to take charge of their careers by permitting on-line applications for transfers, promotions or development activities related to their individual c areers (Walker, 2001). External Recruitment There are different methods of external recruitment through the internet that are described below: Company Websites Lievens and Harris (2003) stated that Company web sites represent one of the first Internet-based approaches to recruiting. Many of these web sites also provide useful information about the organization, as well as a mechanism for applying for these jobs. A corporate career website is an instrument to communicate with online candidates. In any communication, the key is to communicate the right information in a way that has the greatest impact on the targeted audience. Topics that jobseekers expect to see addressed on the corporate career website include the companys employment culture, benefits and salary information (Simphal 2004). Leading-edge websites contain the following information (Walker 2001): Regular scheduled chat rooms with key company executives, politicians, scholars, or well known company spokespeople. Tips on how to interview, what to we ar, and what to do Information about what the future holds What positions are available and how to apply Recruiting events and other employment- related information However Simphal (2004) pointed out that some common mistakes found in corporate websites are: Some job information included company- specific abbreviation that candidates did not understand An online job application form halted users with error messages. Unnecessary large graphics were slow to download Moreover, some jobseekers judge the company on the basis of their quality of their websites which can be a hindrance because not all companies can afford to invest on building a leading edge company website (Mc Dougall 2001) Media Sites A media site takes the form of a job listing websites where electronic advertisement appear similarly and simultaneously with traditional printed advertisement in the original paper (newspaper or magazine) (Ganalaki, 2002). The main difference between tradit ional advertisement and media site as a source of recruitment is that traditional advertisement has less information while online advertisement has more information and further references can be added and has a global coverage. Relationship Recruiting Relationship recruiting is a potentially major innovation in the internet recruitment (Harris and Dewar, 2001). Its major goal is to develop a long term relationship with passive candidates, so that when they decide to enter the job market, they will turn to the companies and organizations with which they have developed a long term relationship (Boehle, 2000). Relationship recruiting relies on internet tools to learn about web visitors interests and experience and then email regular updates about careers and their field of interest. When suitable job opportunities arise, an email may be sent to them regarding the opportunity (Lievens and Harris 2003). It is also possible to use the internet to go one step further and to provid e potential applicants with realistic job preview (Travagline Frei, 2001). This is because internet-based realistic job previews can present information in a written, video or auditory format. Recruitment Sites With the advent of the internet, off-line sources such as recruitment agencies, head hunters, outplacement service companies have established on-line. There are specific recruitment sites for employers and job seekers. Due to its targeted nature, it can have a better chance to attract candidates with particular skills or field as well as a powerful source of attracting active candidates (Pin et al 2001) Online job boards and service providers have been established solely to operate via internet. Online Job boards Job boards are commercial websites where databases of job vacancies and application are found (Mohamed et al 2001; Smith and Rupp 2004). Online recruitment sites attract jobseekers by offering value added services as well as listing position and allow ing jobseekers to search through them, they help candidates to create resume online, give career advice and offer networking and work life balance advice forums (Simphal 2004) Service Provider This is the choice of outsourcing the recruitment activity to a service provider that provide technical solutions to set up the best tailor made -e-recruitment system for each company that eliminates the need for specific training for the people who are actually contracting the service (Pin et al 2001) Social Networking Social network has been widely associated with the term Web 2.0 which tends to reduce hierarchies by allowing readers to become real actors. It is user-centered and it enhances information sharing. From an applicants point of view, mobilizing a social network makes it possible to obtain more information about the company and the job. From an employers perspective, according to Rees (1966), making use of ones own network or that of the staff should limit the numbe r of applications whilst simultaneously ensuring their quality and also reduce absenteeism and turnover. In the recruitment framework, the most representative Web 2.0 tools are: Blogs, created by applicants and employers and headhunters (Hightech-job). Online Social Networks: Facebook or professional (LinkedIn or Viadeo) to find customers, partners and future employees, to hunt and contact passive applicants. RSS feeds (Real Simple Syndication), where updated information can be automatically posted on a search engine of job offers (Moovement for example), or RSS aggregators (like Netvibes and iGoogle). Video platforms, such as Youtube or Youjob, give companies the opportunity to present their job offers, and applicants the possibility of introducing their CV. Rà ©sumà © Management Systems Rà ©sumà © management systems scan rà ©sumà ©s into databases, search the databases on command, and rank the rà ©sumà ©s according to the number of resulting hits they receive. The reliance upon rà ©sumà © management systems, coupled with the downsizing of the human resource departments in many corporation. Despite the fact the majority of large orgamisations now recruit over the internet, most of them sift on the basis of purely demographic criteria and simple checks on relevant experience (Stanton Rogelberg, 2001). Furthermore some companies claim that screening technology has helped decrease employee turnover by between 10 to 30 per cent by helping to establish a better fit between candidate and the job (Kotyar and Ades 2002). Software application such as Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Key Word Search (KWS) are indispensable tools in filtering through the large amount of resume in job bank and job sites. However, these tolls are not free from obstacles. Human Resou rce officers using the Key Word Search (KWS) process often work without the advantage of clear and specific job information. As such, they may develop selection criteria that are not job relevant that make the Key Word Search (KWS) process invalid and consequently illegal (Mohammed et al 2002) Selecting the candidates Gowan (2006), has stated that selection is a strategic operation not a tactical one. Appointing the right person is important. However, what is critical is making sure that the wrong person is not appointed. IT has already made an impact on selection in the field of testing (Cooper and Tinline 2003) and interview, although until now is not so widespread. Bartram (2006) reports that the role of the Internet is more limited in the third stage i.e. the selection of applicants. Methods of selection Internet Interview Wide band G3 video phone provide a halfway house between the telephone interview and live face to face interview. Video conferencing provides the employer with the opportunity to conduct a single, pair or panel interview without having the cost of transporting applicant in a common interviewing site (Bartram 2006). Reference Checks Now it is already quite common to seek and transmit references by phone and e-mail. The use of internet to deliver structured and adaptive reference checks will add to the range of ways in which this information can be collected. It will also provide an effective means of providing a higher level of control over administration of reference checking instrument (Bartram 2006). E-trays Here, the information is presented on a computer and all responses are entered on the screen. It has to deal with a series of e-mail to be organized and prioritize and to choose appropriate action to take and types relies to some e-mails. Web-based cognitive ability test Baron and Austin (2000) developed a web-based cognitive ability test which is a timed numerical reasoning test with business-related items and was after an on-line application and before participation in an assessment centers. Assessment Centers It is in the area of both group and individual assessment exercises that some particularly exciting new possibilities emerge. It is now possible that some possible to create multi-user exercises (e.g. business simulations) that can be closely monitored and assessed. The users need not be brought together to a single location, but could form part of a virtual assessment centre. The potential advantage of making such task internet based is that it removes the geographical constrained on having to bring people together to take part of the assessment (Bartram 2006). 2.5.4 Induction of new employees Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join a company and giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly and happily to start working (Armstrong 2001). Traditional induction methods include employee handbook, on-the-job training and job and company briefing. Information Technology can also be used in the in the induction process by using intranet and video simulation to help in socializing employee in the work environment, video simulation can allow a job tour. According to Digenti (2002), organisations rapidly move their training focus to virtual environments, resulting in a proliferation of methods and online courses. The move to virtual delivery often involves combining a body of knowledge with resource links, interactive segments, personalization features. Shift From Traditional Recruitment To Internet Recruitment The transition from traditional recruitment to internet recruitment is part of the Human Resource (HR) Transformation. Human Resource (HR) Transformation is an integrated, innovative and business focused approach to redefining how Human Resource work within an organisation so that it helps the organisation deliver on promises made to customers, investors and other stakeholders(Ulrich et al 2009) 2.6.1 Roles of stakeholders in implementing the Human Resource (HR) Transformation Ulrich et al mentioned that Human Resource (HR) Transformation depends on the quality of HR professionals and their relationship with line managers. However if they cannot respond to the increased expectations raised by transformation, they will quickly lose credibility. The stakeholders are: Chief Human Resource HR Officer (CHRO) It is the leader of any organisation who sets the direction and tone for that organisation. CHRO is normally the one who sponsor the Human Resource (HR) Transformation by allocating money, time to the transformation offer. The CHRO initiate, take the lead in the design and monitor the transformation plan and making sure that it starts with the business context. (Ulrich et al 2009) HR Professionals HR Professionals are the one who enact the HR transformation throughout the organisation if it is to have any prospect of success. Generally successfully HR professionals facilitate change by helping make culture happen and by developing disciplin es to make change happen throughout the organisation. This may include implementation of strategy, projects, or initiatives. As HR professionals coach, architect, design, deliver and facilitate, they transform themselves from reactive staff followers into proactive business contributors. (Ulrich et al 2009) Line Managers According to Ulrich et al (2009), Line managers are ultimately accountable for ensuring that the organisation has the right talent and right organisation in place to deliver on expectations to customers. They have the responsibility to provide a clear business focus for the transformation, to ensure that the transformation team has access to both internal and external information, to ensure that the right people are involved in the transformation process, and to require clear and measurable results from the transformation. However line managers have had negative experience with the HR practices. Walker (2001) mentioned that from experience line managers are resistant to change and they attempt to keep staff, in order to do business as usual at their units. Jobseekers and internal employees Lievens and Harris (2003) mentioned that the use of the Internet makes it far easier and quicker for jobseekers to apply for a job. In years past, job searching was a more time-consuming activity. A candidate who wished to apply for a job would need to first locate a suitable job opportunity, which often involved searching through a newspaper or contacting acquaintances. After locating potentially suitable openings, the candidate would typically have to prepare a cover letter, produce a copy of his or her resume, and mail the package with the appropriate postage. By way of comparison, the Internet permits a candidate to immediately seek out and search through thousands of job openings. Application may simply involve sending a resume via email. In that way, one can easily and quickly apply for many more jobs in a far shorter period of time t han was possible before Internet recruitment was popularized. Applicants through the internet are mostly young, computer- literate, and educated (Ballie, 1996 and Frost 1997). Drawbacks of Online Recruitment E-recruitment proves more effective for companies already known [(Greengard, 1998), (William Klau, 1997)]. However, Galanaki (2002) argued that the reputation of the company can prove a critical factor to the success of the recruitment effort, not only this is performed online, but with any other recruitment tool. Organisations find it difficult to recruit executive level talent on the Internet. Arkin and Crabb (1999) conclude that executive job applicants still prefer personal contact. Similarly, a point from Seminerio (2001) is that, many companies will want to continue to use more traditional recruitment services for hiring certain employees, such as executive level staff. Arboledas, Ferrero and Vidal (2001) similarly argued that using e-recruitment tends to use only looking for junior positions and from recent university graduates. It is not suitable for recruiting top management. Also, there are some positions that are usually better resourced by using a newspaper or using both newspaper and website advertisement. The risk of overload of resumes as the Internet makes it easier for applicants to summit their resumes and it remove all barriers of time and geography in communication between employers and applicants. As a result, it could create a huge volume of unqualified candidates (Ganalaki, 2002). Similarly, Pearce Tuten (2001) argued that Web-based job sites yielded a high volume of applicants but a low quality fit. Pin et al. (2001) cite the lack of human interaction, overwhelming numbers of resumes, and privacy issues as negative sides of online recruitment. The discrimination issue forwarded to Internet non-user [(Flynn, 2000), (Hogler, Henle Bemus, 1998)]. It is claimed that e-recruitment may have a disparate impact on certain groups of particularly ethnic minorities. People may lack access to computers or do not have the skills necessary to use online recruitment. Therefore, employers need to remember that although the Internet has increased the geographic scope of recruitment, at the moment, it remains limited in its demographic scope (Hogler, Henle Bemus, 1998). Overcoming Resistant To Change Of Line Managers People resist change because it is seen as a threat to familiar patterns of behaviour as well as to status and financial rewards (Armstrong 2001).Furthermore resistance to change is a phenomenon that affects the change process, delaying or slowing down its beginning, obstructing or hindering its implementation and increasing cost. Ways to overcome resistance to changes Organisational Culture Clarke (1994) stated that the essence of sustainable change is to understand the culture of the organisation that is to be changed. Kotter (1996) argue that for the change to be successful, it must be anchored in the organisational culture. Organisational Learning Pettigree et al (1992) stated that learning plays a key role in preparing people for allowing them to cope with change. A willingness to change often stems from the feeling that there is no other option. Managerial Behavior Managers are expected to operate as leader, facilitators and coaches who, through their ability to span hierarchical functional, organizational boundaries, can bring together and motivate teams and groups to identify the need for and achieve change (Mabey and Mayon- White 1992) Following review of the literature on practices and trends on r-recruitment, a number of key variables have been identified and grouped together. The following framework comprises of a di agram highlight those that will enable e-recruitment
Friday, May 15, 2020
How to Play the Improv Game Surprise Guests
Guess whos coming to dinner? The Surprise Guest improv game is played by four people, with the assistance of the rest of the audience in suggesting amusing identities for the guests. Three performers will act out the roles of guests and a Host will try to guess what those roles are. This improv game can be used as a light-hearted drama exercise or a theatrical party activity. It works well in a classroom situation. It can also be used as a party game if your social circle includes those who enjoy improv activities. The three guests and the Host get to exercise their improv skills while the audience can enjoy their antics. The game takes less than 10 minutes to set up and perform, making it a fun ice-breaker activity for a group or party. Set up for Surprise Guests One person volunteers to play the Host role.The Host leaves the room.Three performers serve as the Surprise Guests.Each Surprise Guest asks the audience, Who am I? The audience comes up with a role for each of them to play.As with any improv game, encourage the audience to generate creative suggestions; the more outlandish the better. Examples Guest #1: An astronaut with a severe fear of heightsGuest #2: An over-worked and surly elf from Santas toy shopGuest #3: A drunken Queen Elizabeth The Rules Once the Guests have been established, the Host returns and the improv game begins. First, the Host pantomimes getting ready for the party, then Guest #1 knocks on the door. The Host lets him/her inside and they begin to interact. A new Guest will arrive in about 60 seconds so that in a very quick amount of time the Host will be interacting with three different guest characters. The Host wants to figure out the identity of each Guest. However, this isnt just a guessing game. The Guests should offer discreet clues that become more and more obvious as the improv game continues. The main point of the activity is to generate humor and to develop quirky, unusual characters. Have fun! And remember, this and any other explanation of an improv game is just a blueprint. Feel free to add your own style to make it work best for your drama classroom, theater troupe, or improv party. Tips You may need to prompt the audience to get good suggested roles for the guests. Use the three suggestions so they understand that the guests need to have a strong emotional element to their character. The game wont be as fun if they are simply impersonating a celebrity or acting out a typical profession. The combinations should be a little surprising or out-of-character. This will give the guests the best cues to play with and points they can hit for jokes and humor. The purpose is to have fun rather than to stump the host, so the zanier the combinations, the better.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Existence Of God ( Theism And Atheism ) - 2203 Words
The Existence of God (Theism and Atheism) Throughout the history of mankind, humans have believed in a variety of supernatural deities; some have believed in deities on a personal level while others view them as all-powerful protectors. Currently, a large percentage of the United States citizens believe in the God of Christianity, Yahweh. Christianity has had pagan influences, which means that Christianity religion has existed for twenty centuries; paganism predates Christianity, and this gives both paganism and Christianity an extensive lifetime. Christianity has garnered more notoriety and has become quite prominent in modern times. However, regardless of the lengthy history Christianity has had, is belief in its God justifiable? Can the existence of the Christian God be proven by empirical standards or is faith alone a reasonable and logical way of proving its existence? The arguments produced by theists are not exempt from critique, though the arguments produced by atheists ar e not exempt either. Both sides in this persistent topic deserve an in-depth analysis. The existence of Yahweh (or any particular deity) requires one to look at each side and the information presented. Neutrality must be taken into consideration, but it is important to develop one’s own perspective, especially when it pertains to something as controversial and long-debated as this topic. Regardless of this, through discussion and analysis of various points provided by theists and atheists, it isShow MoreRelatedThe Nature Of God And Which Lense One Helps View Religion Or Spirituality1685 Words  | 7 PagesThere are many different views about the nature of god and which lense one chooses to view religion or spirituality. The nine that will be discussed are animism, polytheism, henotheism, pantheism, religious dualism, deism, theism, atheism, and agnosticism. While some of these have overlapping principles, they are each unique viewpoints as of the nature of god and are held by different religions throughout the world today and in history. One of the first forms of religions was animism, or the viewRead MoreSummary of Evil and Atheism This essay is a summary of William L. Rowes paper The Problem of Evil and Some Varaties of Atheism.1206 Words  | 4 PagesIn William L. Rowe s paper The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism he sets out to accomplish two main goals. The first goal is directed toward theists, while the second attempts to reach the very wellspring of an atheist s heart. Foremost, Rowe sets out to show that there is an argument for atheism based on the existence of evil that may rationally justify someone in being an atheist (335). After he has effectively addressed this first issue he moves on to try and convince the atheistRead MoreMccloskey Responses1660 Words  | 7 Pagessufficient proof that God exists. However, McCloskey is not the only person who is unsure and asks questions God’s existence based on personal beliefs or influence. From the beginning many people have had questio ns about God and his existence. He wrote numerous books on atheism between 1960 and 1980 including the famous book, God and Evil. This paper evaluates the credibility of McCloskey’s article â€Å"On being an Atheist†. One of the McCloskey’s core arguments against theism is his demand for anyRead MoreOn Being an Atheist, by H.J. McCloskey Essay1233 Words  | 5 Pages†H.J. McCloskey attempts to inform his readers that the belief in atheism is a â€Å"much more comfortable belief†by effectively using a disdainful rhetoric towards theists and their faith. McCloskey delves into both the Cosmological and Teleological arguments, which within he criticizes the arguments and to further his argument against theism, he also presents the Problem of Evil and why evil cannot possibly exist with a perfect God being the creator of universe. What will be displayed in this essayRead MoreAtheism And The Existence Of God Essay1294 Words  | 6 Pagesthat God exists. Whereas some atheists would claim that the theists bear the burden of proof since they are making supernatural claims. In the following essay I will be discussing both opinions on this matter, and perhaps show how the burden of proof lies on both of them and neither of them. I will begin this discussion by defining the recurring terms during the discussion on the existence of God. Traditionally the three attitudes one could hold towards the existence of God are theism, atheism andRead MoreAn Argument Against Atheism Based On The Existence Of Evil1442 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Rowe tries to provide answers for three interrelated questions. â€Å"1) Are there arguments for atheism based on the existence of evil that may rationally justify someone in being an atheist? 2) How can a theist defend this position against the argument for atheism based on the existence of evil? 3) What position should the informed atheist take concerning the rationality of their belief?†Rowe makes sure the reader known what kind of evil is being dealt with or is being used in the argumentRead MoreSummary Of The I Didn t A Christian Friend Essay986 Words  | 4 Pagesfelt about theism. I had finally had the courage to discuss my thoughts with my partner in chemistry. We were practically strangers. But I had heard that she was an atheist and that happened to be a rarity in my town. Where I grew up being a Christian was the only option. â€Å"So, you re agnostic.†My partner said soon after I had finished word vomiting my problems. â€Å"What’s agnostic?†I questioned. Could it have really been that simple? I could never outright deny the existence of a god and I definitelyRead MoreEvil And The Existence Of Evil Essay1478 Words  | 6 PagesEvil and miracles, can they both exist in our modern everyday life? Evil s existence has no doubt to be present due to all the horrors we have heard about or witnessed. While as for miracles, the existence is constantly questioned if they exist and what classifies as a true miracle. These concepts battle with theism and cause a great uproar to the existence of a powerful, omnipotent, and omniscient being. The definition of evil is the absence of good while the definition of a miracle is an unexpectedRead MoreI Didn t A Christian Friend Essay1013 Words  | 5 PagesI felt about theism. I had finally had the courage to discuss my thoughts to my partner in chemistry. We were practically strangers. But I had heard that she was an atheist and that happened to be a rarity in my town. Where I grew up being a Christian was the only option. â€Å"So, your agnostic.†My partner said soon after I had finished word vomiting my problems. â€Å"What’s agnostic?†I questioned. Could it have really been that simple? I could never out right deny the existence of a god and I definitelyRead MoreAtheism Is A Very Hot Topic On The World1733 Words  | 7 PagesAtheism Argument Essay Atheism is a very hot topic in the world. This idea of enlightened thinking has only recently gained some exposer in the last 100 years, while theism has reigned supreme. Atheism is the disbelief of a supernatural entity, while theism is the belief of an almighty entity. Atheism is slowly rising with the advancement of technology, and understanding of the natural universe around the world. This is something that is very important due to the changing times in the world. Theism
Hunger The Problem Of Hunger - 1488 Words
Knowing that the world produces enough food to feed everyone, it is illogical that hunger has been one of the major problems throughout human history affecting and killing 8.2 million people each year. â€Å"Every 10 seconds a human being dies from hunger.†(Cogan) It is thought that this mostly happens in undeveloped countries but surprisingly â€Å"about 98% of the 842 million people starving actually live in developing countries†(Cogan). A long time ago, these terms were related to the lower social classes. It sounds logical that poverty is the principal cause of hunger but it’s not only in that direction. If these terms were contexted to the modern world, people with few economical resources would not have enough money to feed their whole family, thinking that this way poverty leads to hunger, but let’s get out of the bubble. People leave school to work and strive for a brighter future in order to gain enough money to feed their family and themselves. â€Å"1.2 billion of them live off of $1.25 a day†(Cogan) and yes, they sometimes accomplish feeding their families but they have no idea that this is a vicious cycle. Shannon 2 They are throwing away their opportunities to avoid the cycle of poverty. What they do sounds reasonable to some people but, how are they supposed to watch the ones they love starve without being able to do anything? They take action to help their family, but they trap them in this cycle that passes hunger onto their next generations. Education isShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Hunger And Homelessness894 Words  | 4 Pagesproblem found in foreign nations and continents. However, hunger and homelessness is as much a problem in our country. Concerned with the prevalent existence of hunger and homelessness in the United States, we intend to tackle the problems of unemployment, poverty, low wages, and high housing prices. First starting with homelessness we decided to support the plan already designed by the organization National Coalition for the Homeless called National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF). It is a plan devisedRead MoreHunger Is A Serious Problem910 Words  | 4 PagesWorld Hunger Hunger is an everyday battle in America and all over the world. Hunger is a feeling of discomfort, or weakness caused by lack of food. Another definition for hunger is having a strong desire or craving for food. I’m sure everyone has heard once before in their lives from their friends,parents or other family members that you are not truly hungry even though you say otherwise. Every time I would say, â€Å"I don’t like that,†and I was talking about some type of food my parents would alwaysRead MoreThe Problem Of Childhood Hunger1344 Words  | 6 PagesThe problem of childhood hunger isn’t just a problem in other countries. This is a problem that we are facing right here in the United States. In 2007 and 2008, food prices hit all-time highs, putting basic staples such as rice and wheat beyond the reach of the world’s most vulnerable populations. (Initiative Reduces Hunger and Poverty, 2014). Children who don’t get enough to eat, espec ially during their first three years; begin life at a serious disadvantage. When children are hungry they areRead MoreThe Problem Of World Hunger1258 Words  | 6 Pagespervasive threat of death have been streaming on various media. World Hunger is one of the main problems that a large portion of the global population faces today. Hunger varies with severity but in this case it is the want of food in a third world country. World hunger is a problem that has existed for much of our known history; it has faded away from central concerns because it is barely brought up in everyday conversations. World hunger has many aggravating factors and principal causes, such as insufficientRead MoreThe Problem Of World Hunger1999 Words  | 8 Pagesenough food to feed everyone. Although world hunger is an increasing dilemma in poverty-stricken countries because they do not have the finances to produce or purchase crops, in order to alleviate this problem we must eliminate meat off of our pla tes. As we have seen for decades, world hunger has been a chilling epidemic affecting over 925 million people, but it has little to do with food shortages. (â€Å"World Hunger Facts†, Page 1) By definition, world hunger is the want or scarcity of food in a countryRead MoreThe Problem Of World Hunger1065 Words  | 5 PagesWriting commentary I decided to write an article for the readers of a sophisticated scientific based magazine on the topic of farming and poverty. As the problem of world hunger becomes more and more apparent I wanted to write an article for what I believe is the solution to the problem. My aim was to inform and persuade the readers to agree with my view that intensive farming is better than free range farming. By all means, there were restrictions and bias to my argument, so in the end, I decidedRead MoreThe Hunger And Malnutrition Problems1449 Words  | 6 Pages Innately changed sustenance’s can potentially clarify an impressive part of the hunger and malnutrition problems, and to help guarantee and ensure the nature by stretching yield and diminishing reliance upon engineered pesticides and herbicides. Yet there are various troubles ahead for governments, especially in the zones of security testing, regulation, worldwide methodology and sustenance naming. Various people feel that innate building is the unavoidable wave without limits and that we can tRead MoreThe Problem Of Hunger By Bill Gates992 Words  | 4 Pagesarticle explaining his goals on farming. One of the main goals that many people hope to accomplish is world hunger. Many of the article explain what the goal is and how they think it can be solved. There are many contributions to hunger such as farming and nutrition. Many people around the world have been and will continue to suffer from hunger if nothing is done about it. Hunger is a huge problem in Africa and there are ways that people are trying to solve it starting from the beginning such as farmingRead MoreHunger is a Globlal Problem Essay1438 Words  | 6 PagesHunger is a Globlal Problem Hunger is a problem, not only in third world countries, but in the Untied States as well. During the time that the United States experienced one of its longest economic growths, one in every ten households experienced hunger by a lack of food (Nutrition Concepts and Controversies). According to a 1995 national survey 4.1 percent, or 4.2 million, of all United States households experienced hunger (Could There Be Hunger In America? 1). Of the 4.1 percent of theseRead MoreWorld Hunger Is A Serious Problem2235 Words  | 9 Pageshealthy and lead an active life. Hunger and malnutrition are in fact the number one health risk in the world. It is greater than AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis combined (Ackerman, 2002). World hunger is a serious problem battering the nation and surrounding nations. The USDA and United Nations are confronted with this issue. Kids are crying out in pain, as there is not enough food to be fed. Someone had to stop this hunger and find a way to solve th is problem. Earl Butz, the secretary of agriculture
Essay On Social Promotion Like A Race Example For Students
Essay On Social Promotion Like A Race Social Promotion an evil in this SocietyJohnny is a fifth grade student who is almost ready to graduate and move on to the sixth grade. Johnny however, can not multiply or divide. He cannot spell or read. Johnny fell behind in the third grade. His teacher overlooked his failure and promoted him so that he would not be held up socially. Johnnys fourth grade teacher promoted him to fifth grade hoping that he would catch up with his classmates. Johnny is now about to enter the sixth grade with the educational skills of a second grader. The situation described above is called social promotion. It is the process of moving children through grades regardless of learning or skill. For years it has been the common practice in education to move students from grade to grade because of chronological age (Mitzel 468). Students should have an adequate education in order to be equipped for the twenty- first and twenty-second century. The injustice of social promotion should be ended and society mus t discover the best route to achieve genuine student success. Students who are socially promoted have no skills for life. The number of social promotions each year nears two million (American Federation Teachers). Social Promotion shows children that no matter what grade they achieve they will be promoted. This creates two problems. Students will not work to achieve; laziness is created in children. Second, the students who work hard and learn the material are often overlooked so that a teacher may help a student who is behind because of social promotion. Social promotion was brought to the attention of the country when President Clinton gave his State of the Union Address in 1999. In this address he stated many educational goals such as a mandatory third grade reading goal and the reformation of the school system in order to equip it for the twenty -first centuries. Along these same lines the President has called an end to social promotion. President Clinton proposed not just to ho ld back failing students but to do something about their failure. Such as remedial classrooms, identifying weakness before it is too late, strengthening learning opportunities and placing strong well-trained teachers in classrooms (Galston 35). If a student was asked in the nineteenth century what grade she or he was in they would probably say something along the lines of, I sit in the fifth row or I have a blue reading book(Mitzel 450). There were no grade levels, which is most likely where social promotion found its roots. Although Social Promotion is a newly arising concern today: it has a long history. The process of promoting students no matter what their academic success has been the standard in education thus far. For example in Chicago alone more than 40,000 children failed standardized tests (Berg A2). Why are student allowed to slip though the fingers of education? For one thing it is easier to promote the student from grade to grade than it is to deal seriously with that students learning problem (Economist 33). This is the main reason for social promotion. It is the theory of if it isnt looked at then it isnt there. Teachers and administrators do not want to accept failure on their own parts or the students. This is a case where the educational needs of children take a back seat to administrative convenience (Economist 34). Students keep getting promoted to the next grade without the knowledge necessary to survive. Often it is thought that if a student is promoted then they will catch up in the following grade. This sets the next class behind because it is filled with some students who have the skills and some that do not and should not be in that specific grade level. The next teacher is at a loss for what level to teach, should they teach down at the non-skilled students and r isk losing the other students attention? Social Promotion occurs to avoid damaging their self-worth, then to assume that the child will catch up in later grades(McCormick 27). Administrators and teachers do not want to impair students self esteem by holding them back. Holding children back is thought to create embarrassment and low self worth in students. Children are often made to think less of themselves when made to repeat a grade, should we however combat this with telling a student that no matter their work or effort they will be promoted? How will this increase self esteem? Mrs. Crew, a fifth grade teacher, does not let one child leave her class due to social promotion, she says This is not about being punitive with kids, this is about caring so much about children that you will not let them fail (McCormick 27). This is the way to produce high self-esteem in students. Let them know their success is cared about. There are many reasons to justify Social Promotion but none of the m really make sense in the long run. .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .postImageUrl , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:hover , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:visited , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:active { border:0!important; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:active , .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400 .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uce765b96859909d05683f85246630400:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Road Not Taken EssayWe are giving educators a pass for lack of performance and we are putting kids on the street with pieces of paper that are essentially worthless (Toch 59). Each year young adults graduate from high school, and have no skills to maintain a job. The remedial training required by companies for these graduates in subjects like Math and English are outrageous. More than twenty percent of all businesses provide remedial training for high-school graduates, at an annual cost of billions (Galston 35). Doing something about the failure ahead of time is more reasonable than socially promoting students until graduation. In the heat of the promotion versus non-p romotion debate, the dropout rate is often not considered (Mitzel 468). Social promotion causes a high drop out rate. This theory lies behind Social Promotion, students that are held back more than once then they are most likely to drop out all together. However this has been proven false. If students are promoted with out learning the material they will become frustrated and therefore drop out later in their school careers. The second case is five percent more likely to occur than the first. It is not good enough to just end Social Promotion by retaining students in their failing grades. Creating a new set of rules about how students progress from grade to grade will not address the underlying problem, nor stop the policy seesaw between retention and promotion(GII). Students must be made to attend remedial training, summer school, pass exit exams and maintain a 2.0 GPA or above. Advancing students from grade to grade almost regardless of their level of learning (Toch 52) must be ended. Remedial training is the process of extending learning hours for students who need the extra help. This is often called Remedial Purgatory; students in Chicago are often placed in this kind of learning environment when their scores on exit exams are low (Berg A1). Summer school as it is now, is not going to help failing students. Some feel that summer school, a misguided effort to rescue socially promoted students, has also provided an incredible disincentive to work (General Internet Inc. ). Teachers need to spend time with their summer school students not just make them repeat the material that hey have already failed to learn, this must be an opportunity to teach these students in a different way. Finally there must be defined grade level performance therefore students should be tested upon exiting a grade, even in elementary school. Students must be rewarded for their work Social promotion breaks down the school atmosphere. However, simply sending students to summer school and/or holding them back a grade may not be the answer either. Standards and policies must be set to intensive with failing students learning problems (American Federation of Teachers). It is clear that Social Promotion is unjust to both successful and failing students. These alternatives to Social promotion must be explored and immediately put into effect. The education system must no longer promote students unto failure. State educators must take action. There is no long an excuse to look over Social promotion. Changes have already been made in both Illinois and California; it is time that the rest of the nation realizes the need for this change and takes charge. America is proclaimed the most advanced nation in the world and we are putting our future in the hands of social promotion. Society needs to answer the Presidents plea help us end social promotion (Rothsten 95). This can be done by the remedies described above but also there must be more accountability from everyone involved in education in order to make children more successful (Berg A2). .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .postImageUrl , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:hover , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:visited , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:active { border:0!important; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:active , .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7 .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5af717859a56d447ecf58c6b2c2725c7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Better Life with Cooking EssayJohnny is a fifth grade student, who in third grade did not grasp the basics of multiplication and division. Johnnys teacher saw this and was determined not to let Johnny leave her class with out the skills to survive the fourth grade. Johnny did very well in the fourth grade, due to the hard work he and his third grade teacher put in to the material. Now Johnny is graduating elementary school and moving on to the sixth grade with the skills of a fifth grader. Current Events
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Plain English Proof Reading - Editing and Rewriting
Question: Describe about the Plain English for Proof Reading, Editing and Rewriting. Answer: Original Acme Company Group Newsletter Sentence Acme Company Group Newsletter Comments or Observations on Grammar and Language 1. Appraisal of what? Management of what? These points should be incorporated in the sentence 2. In order for is clumsy and not plain English just use 'For'. 3. This is incorrect word. That should be used Which board? Greater should not be utilized. The entire sentence should be broken into two simple sentence to the remove the sentence complexity 4. Significant sales increases can be achieved is grammatically incorrect. Short term should not used. Short timeline can be used instead of it. 5. Use of thereby is incorrect. 6. Constantly and critically should not be used at the end of the sentence 7. then adapted is clumsy and not plain English 8. Modification should be made over the phrase As the system evolves. Edited and Re-Written Acme Company Group Newsletter The performance management has accepted the need for implementing greater group integration within the Acme companies following the recent performance appraisal undertaken by XYZ. it must show a consistent level of performance across all operating units, particularly in terms of marketing and sales skills for the group to present a common image. To obtain that the performance management board has accepted the fact that the central management must play a great part in directing each company activity. However, t is recognized that the autonomy of each company must be retained. It is also accepted that increase in significant sales can be accomplished within short timeline by improving the overall group standard of sales management and control. The sales control system should take into account the need for simplicity by maximizing real selling time. the role of individual sales management will be to constantly and critically evaluate their respective sales operations. From this study, t he most appropriate system will be selected and adapted to incorporate the specific operational characteristics of the Acme Group. As per the evolution of the system, it will be corroborated by referring back to the individual companies in order to ensure comparability with national requirements. Original Blue Sky Airlines Letter Paragraph Blue Sky Airlines Letter Observations or Comments on Language and Grammar 1. Improper use of adverb, recently That should be used between a complaint and you had Incorrect use of to travel in the second line of the paragraph Wrong use of the verb charges a $35 fee is an incorrect phrase Incorrect use of the verb, paid A preposition is required between, requested and a refund In your case, a total of $70 is clumsy and not plain English 2. In the first line of the paragraph, after within, a pronoun or a noun is expected. To would be replaced by the after the phrase cost of attending. That should be used instead of so in the second sentence of the paragraph. a $35 coupon should be changed into a coupon of $ 35 3. Use of that is not necessary between I suggest and you carefully Reflecting on the questions as well as the letters, it must be stated that the letter is not written effectively. There are few grammatical errors in the letter. Apart from that, language of the letter should be more improvised. Thus, in order to write a proper letter, the grammar, language as well as the format of the letter should be focused to be presented in an effective manner. Edited and Re-Written Blue Sky Airlines Letter Blue Sky Airlines January 18, 2014 Dear Mr. Johnson, Recently, you wrote a complaint with Blue Sky Airlines. Allegedly, you purchased a ticket from the Travelocity online ticket service for your 19-year-old son who would travel from Chicago to Miami on October 12. When you arrived at OHare airport in Chicago on October 12, you were informed that Blue Sky Airlines charged a fee of $ 35 to deal with minors who were traveling alone. You were also told that your son could not be approved for boarding unless you paid the fee. You already paid that fee. However, you requested for the refund of that fee. In your case, the total amount of that fees is $ 70. If you had read the special information attached to your ticket order, you would have seen our policy clearly stated within that. Blue Sky Airlines charges a fee of $35 each way for the cost of attending the unattended minors. Therefore, we are not obligated to refund your fee according to our policies. We apologize to inform you that we would not be able to refund the money. However, we are sending you (enclosed) a coupon of $35 which you may apply to your next Blue Sky Airlines ticket purchase. In the future, I suggest you to read carefully all the provisions and conditions of airline tickets you purchase. This way you will avoid unpleasant surprises. Sincerely, Charles Wentworth Client Services Representative Blue Sky Airlines Bibliography Cutts, M., 2013.Oxford guide to plain English. OUP Oxford. de Groote, M.L., Verschure, P.J. and Rots, M.G., 2012. Epigenetic Editing: targeted rewriting of epigenetic marks to modulate expression of selected target genes.Nucleic acids research, p.gks863. Raskind, M.H. and Higgins, E., 1995. Effects of speech synthesis on the proofreading efficiency of postsecondary students with learning disabilities.Learning Disability Quarterly,18(2), pp.141-158. Turner, J., 2012. Rewriting writing in higher education: the contested spaces of proofreading.Studies in Higher Education,36(4), pp.427-440.
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